Since I'm only on my second day of Soylent, I am going to share how my first day went, so these posts will be a day behind.
Physical Summary
Day 1 was a big learning day. I decided to split my Soylent up in to 4 even meals of 500ml each meal and spread them out every 4 hours or so. At the beginning of the day I was feeling pretty good. I made it until about 4:30 pm when I should have had another "meal" but I got wrapped up in work and missed it by about 2 hours. That moment was when disaster struck. I got a headache at about 5:30 pm that has lasted all through day 2 so far. I am pretty tired because of the poor sleep I got last night, but I wasn't hungry all the time like most days. I had no stomach problems at all Monday except for other issues I will discuss further down. So I would rate Day 1 at about an 8 physically in the morning down to about a 4 in the evening. Not tip top shape, but not a bad day until the missed meal.
Emotional Summary
I was feeling very positive because of the actual fact that I was starting soylent. The fact that I had people supporting me and excited for me kept my spirits way higher than normal. Once I missed my meal however, I was terrible. I got really mad and was generally not fun to be around. Once I ate again, my mood went from angry to more of a melancholy because the headache never subsided. Day 1 emotion was 10 in the morning to about a 4 in the afternoon/evening.
The first day was pretty good until the missed meal, but through the whole time, I never felt hungry while I was eating or during the planned meal intervals. The soylent was very easy to drink and tastes great. I felt pretty good and other than the aforementioned event, I feel like I wouldn't have a problem doing this for a long term solution.
Yes I know. "Why do you have to talk about poop?" I was debating it, but after some thought I figured I didn't want to give a sugar coated review of Soylent. You need to know it all. So without further ado, let's talk poop.
I had my first soylent only passing at night before bed. It is a MASSIVE improvement so far over what I used to get on solid foods. I would consistently get about a 6 on the Bristol scale no matter what I ate, but my soylent only passing was a solid 4. This was actually one of the reasons soylent appeals to me. I seem to always have issues with stomach aches and bad stool quality, but the hope of consistent stool levels is promising.
One thing I wanted to bring up up quickly was the gas. I didn't have much, but right before my first passing it was REALLY bad. I'm hoping that doesn't become a trend while at work/other people's offices.
I know that day 1 is the first day, but if things trend the way they went, Soylent and I should have a very happy meal time life.
Thank you all for reading and for your private tells of support. It really means a lot to me. As always, if you have any questions about my experiences or about Soylent itself, just comment or send me a message and I will address it my next post!
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